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Getting Started


Before you get started with this recipe we assume that you have:

  1. Installed Lando and gotten familiar with its basics
  2. Initialized a Landofile for your codebase for use with this recipe
  3. Read about the various services, tooling, events and routing Lando offers.

Quick Start

You can also run the following commands to try out this recipe on one of your sites.

# Go through interactive prompts to get your site from platformsh
lando init --source platformsh

# OR do it non-interactively
# NOTE: You will want to make sure you set $PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN
# and $PLATFORMSH_SITE_NAME to values that make sense for you
lando init \
  --source platformsh \
  --platformsh-auth "$PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN" \
  --platformsh-site "$PLATFORMSH_SITE_NAME"

# OR if you already have your platform code locally
cd /path/to/repo
lando init \
  --source cwd \
  --recipe platformsh

# Start it up
lando start

# Import any relevant relationships or mounts
# NOTE: You will likely need to change the below to specify
# relationships and mounts that make sense for your application
# See further below for more information about lando pull
lando pull -r database -m web/sites/default/files

# List information about this app.
lando info

Note that if your platformsh project requires environment variables set in the Platform Management Console you will need to set those manually!

See the Environment Variables section for details.